Wednesday, February 20, 2013

iPad 2 Review - II

Video (MKV) Playback Performance

One of the reasons the iPad's getting a lot of video and film viewing. As you know, except for the standards supported by Apple's iPhone and the iPad's own Video Player can not play videos. Therefore, the extension avi divx format video, but third-party apps downloaded from App Store and can monitor.
Earlier OPlayer HD application introduced in this paper, the first-generation iPad'imle formatındakileri divx mkv format videos, unfortunately, able to follow easily izleyebiliyorken. I've tried other applications OPlayer'dan playing back videos, unfortunately, forced to MKV extension. In general, either the image jump, or was the audio synchronization issues. (Probably the first generation iPad is not enough processor power to play alt)

Mkv I wonder if it was the problem before the iPad 2 continues OPlayer did an experiment with HD. I saw that the images now flowing installed, but the audio sync issue continued. OPlayer'da disappoint you live this time is said to be more successful in a AVPlayer HD MKV did testing. AVPlayer HD is able to playback smoothly iPad 2, alt. There was fluent in fine images and audio synchronization issue.
My guess is that updates will be released soon with the other video players, such as iPad 2, thinking of OPlayer HD update their applications. But the genius does not update the already very successful business is AVPlayer HD. (AVPlayer'ın on the iPhone and iPad app also share an article)

In the meantime, for those who share my curiosity, I mentioned my first review article, we trace out the HDMI adapter OPlayer and AVPlayer applications such as videos, television yansıtılabiliyor with the first generation iPad. So you use an HDMI adapter for your videos, the iPad 2 does not have to necessarily.

Camera and Video Capture

iPad 2 is another innovation from the front and rear cameras. iPad 2, cameras, although not the same as all the features of iPhone but their 4'tekilere. For example, the iPad 2, the camera can shoot photographs, such as the iPhone 4, but much lower quality. Apple iPad 2's technical specifications page, where, how many mega pixels the camera did not record that.

However, the resolution of the photos taken with the iPad 2, iPhone 4, I would say that approximately 2.5-fold lower. For example, the following picture I took with the iPad 2 the original size is 720 x 960 pixels.

Already not easy to take pictures with the iPad 2. The absence of the captured picture quality is very good and a big screen does not look very nice.


iPad 2, front camera and meaningful pre-installed with the device in one of the FaceTime feature. FaceTime is already well known to users of the iPhone 4, iPad 2, a little different. FaceTime'da because the iPad 2, the iPhone 4 is not the phone numbers as the user name, such as the Apple ID (Apple ID) is used. In the meantime, Apple ID to use FaceTime with the iPad 2 is not a unique situation. 4 without the phone features Apple previously Touch'lar generation iPod and Mac-based computers offering this support.

Without friends may send us a FaceTime call to a phone number, email address FaceTime'ı on the device can reach us first define activating. In this way, the iPhone 4's friend, e-mail address that is registered with the address book can send us a FaceTime call.